Adventures in Rust (part 2)



It’s been a while since I wrote the first part of this series.

Over the past few weeks I have been working on getting basic navigation working on the keyboard with TAB and SHIFT+TAB. Navigation currently works, although there are a few bugs.

Some of the hardest problems that I faced so far were getting the elements in the page added in the right order, specifically tree order, but I found in the Servo documentation that there is a method to traverse the DOM tree in preorder. Pretty useful!

The results of the work are shown below. The GIF below shows me navigating Wikipedia links using the keyboard.

keyboard navigation with servo

Wikipedia also has an autofocus element on the main page, which makes the focus ordering list not entirely correct. So, the code will have to handle autofocus in future updates.

Next Steps

These were the initial steps to get keyboard navigation supported. Next, the implementation needs to be brought up to spec, as defined by WHATWG.

Until next time.